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    Don't leave Annual Leave to chance.

    Picture this: Your team's holiday planning process is so smooth; it practically runs itself. No more lost forms, no more chasing approvals, and definitely no more holiday-induced headaches. That's the magic that DocuWare can bring to your office.

    We're not just talking about a fancy digital form here. DocuWare turns your leave requests into a slick, automated dance of efficiency. It's like having a personal assistant for every employee, one that never forgets, never loses paperwork, and always knows exactly where each request stands. Imagine the time you'll save, the stress you'll avoid, and the happy faces you'll see when everyone knows their time off is sorted without a hitch. Ready to make holiday hassles a thing of the past? Let's dive into how DocuWare can make that happen for your team by looking at how it works for OUR team with our DocuWare Cloud solution here at Anota.

    DocuWare has two types of forms for use; PUBLIC (which means just that – available to anyone within or without your organisation, who has the correct url) and INTERNAL (available only to those with a licence and login details within your organisation). Depending on your specific requirements, either one of these options might be suitable however we use the latter INTERNAL option to allow us to utilise more of the data within our system.

    Our form captures the submitter details and once opened it’s a simple process of completing the start and end dates/times, (the form calculates duration in days or part thereof) and any special notes that the submitter would like to provide.

    On submission the form is routed via a matrix to (in our case) primary and secondary approvers, depending on the requestor’s department.

    Let’s look at the process:

    John in Support makes a request which routes to Support Manager to ensure timing is business appropriate then, if approved it is then a notification is sent to John confirming approval as well as noting how many days annual leave he has remaining and it's then sent to HR for filing. If the request is denied, a note is entered by the approver detailing this and a notification sent to John, with the request being filed. 

    DocuWare’s capabilities mean that we then leverage Outlook Calendar integration to insert an entry into our global calendar (and individual calendars if required) to show John’s absence.

    It’s that simple! Forms, stamps, workflow and integration – a DocuWare recipe for success.



    Photo by Edward Jenner:

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    Don't leave Annual Leave to chance.